Friday, November 14, 2008

Lessons Learnt

In October last year, Realmark took a large step into the unknown. Realmark separated from a franchise association and launched itself as its own brand. At the time we knew that the rebrand and repositioning was the right thing to do, but it didn’t make it any less scary.

What this experience really did highlight for me was that despite being in the industry for over twenty years, there was still plenty for me to learn. So today I am going to talk about some key things I have learnt during this process. Which is not so much a story about the real estate industry but business as a whole.

1. Everyone has to believe in the brand, not just you.

I think an easy mistake that can be made when creating an identity for a business is thinking that the brand is something that only has to work externally. It is so important to make sure the brand works internally, because your team members on the front line need to understand that it is more about the values behind the cosmetics of a brand. Everyone has to believe in it to be able to apply what it presents.

2. Don’t be overly optimistic.

There is nothing wrong with a bit of optimism here and there, but when you’re making big changes to a business being too optimistic can blind you to some of the warning signs that perhaps things are not going to plan and therefore they go on too long and become big issues.

It’s not about thinking the worst, it’s about being honest with yourself.

3. Never forget about the basic fundamentals of business.

While things may be changing in your business, the basic fundamentals of business don’t change so make sure you continue to apply them to everything you do. Don’t make ego based decisions. Make strategic decisions based on good practice and providing better value to your employees and your clients.

4. Have “non anxious” leadership presence.

Often people feel that being a good leader is about coming across as busy, energetic and motivated, but in times of change this can come across as an ‘anxious’ presence, which is far from motivating for those who work for you. It actually makes you seem uncertain, almost without direction and your team want to know that you are in control and therefore capable of making good decision for the business and for them.

5. Don’t be afraid of change, be open to learning and adapt.

Change can be a frightening thing, but it is an important part of business life. In real estate our industry is a moving thing and if you simply refuse to adapt, the industry, the market and the clients are all just going to keep on moving without you.

Also you never know it all, there is always more to learn and ways to grow. Read blogs, talk to people, go to seminars and consult your colleagues. Learn from your mistakes and your successes. Be honest with yourself.

Looking back the past year has been very challenging, but it has also been a very important and exciting chapter in Realmark’s business evolution. As we hoped, Realmark has grown significantly and we are achieving great results.

But I still have plenty more to learn.

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