Friday, June 5, 2009

Craft is the key to smooth sailing

The world as we knew it is no longer. We’ve never been here before. Forecasters can’t predict with certainly the way anything is going to happen or act. We are on a new island – and the ocean around us has receded many miles.

Because it’s new ground, there are so many givens which no longer apply. It’s also your chance – and my chance – to do things differently; to stand out.

I went to an industry gabfest last week which brought together not just real estate companies but professionals which interact with the real estate industry. A Melbourne visitor with a respected marketing company reminded us that in times of a downturn, we can’t totally retract spending. Instead we need to use what we can afford in a more powerful way, have meaningful interaction and offer clients a clear point of difference.

It’s no good promising the world anymore. People have become too cynical for that. I know bottled water is still water, even if it’s packaged in different kinds of bottles. But add fruit to one and I’ll start thinking about it. That’s the point of difference.

People are seeking an honest and resonating assessment of their needs, an achievable way through to them and straight talk. That makes people naturally more receptive and it will win you clients for the long term, not just one exchange. Anyone selling something wants a serious client. In return, clients want honest interaction.

We can achieve that on a personal level too. You might not have tons of money to throw about, but you can make time to give of the unique things in yourself. Be daring and see what wonderful results it yields.

While the economy may be bobbing about like a buoy on a rough sea, there is one thing you can definitely do: know your craft. Whatever it is you do, know who you are, what your business is and how you do it best. If you can explain why you are doing something clearly, then you are more likely to be heard and more likely to be listened to.

You must have a really solid keel on your boat to win the race. Too much sail and not enough keel won’t get you over the finishing line in good shape. Translated: too much salesmanship without method or craft will simply dash you on a reef with little hope of rescue.

Clients are very receptive in this market and are looking for new and fresh ways to get what they want. Put yourself in prime position to leverage that interest into something concrete. Construct a solid keel and confidently sail towards the finish line first.

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