Friday, June 1, 2012
IN Pink
Eternally bubbly, musical theatre star Lucy Durack is back in Perth for a series of shows before putting on her best shade of pink for the musical Legally Blonde.
Busy and grateful might not be words which belong in the same sentence, but Lucy Durack is both in equal measure.
Scoring a lead role for four years in the hugely successful musical Wicked, the former WAAPA student’s stocks have just kept rising. She has met the Queen and lunched with Prince William but later this year will transform into Elle Woods for the stage adaptation of Legally Blonde.
Luckily for us, Lucy has been able to return home to Perth for a few months for a series of more intimate shows before Legally Blonde steals her away.
“I’ve been so fortunate to be able to do what I love,” says the effervescent singer, actress and dancer. “I have to pinch myself because I feel like I am constantly learning. I wonder if I’ll ever feel like I have arrived when there is so much to learn. I keep learning things about my characters right until the last show, so I never get bored. There’s always something to try and that’s what inspires me.”
In Perth Lucy is starring in Opening Doors as part of the much-loved Cabaret Soiree season DownStairs at The Maj. She teams up with composer, lyricist and good friend Matthew Robinson, who has recently returned from New York, in a musical journey through his songs as well as a couple of Lucy’s favourites.
“Through these songs we speak about our personal experiences, our lives and what we have been up to so far. We’re performing musical theatre repertoire and I’ll do songs from Wicked and Carousel too.”
While Lucy has loved her time on the stage in a big musical, she also missed smaller intimate venues and the chance to write some of her own material.
“It has been really great to have a chance to sink my teeth into this kind of show and have a bit more of a creative hand in writing as well. You don’t have much of that when you do a pre-packaged musical. Learning a whole new collection of songs and doing only a handful of performances really keeps you on your toes. That makes those nights really special.”
While here, Lucy has found time to work on some of her own songs for possible recording, something she has had more chance to do as her schedule isn’t so hectic.
“I think in this industry you have to end up becoming so many things – doing concerts, film or television – so there’s more chance of being employed. At the same time it’s really fun and I’m never bored with nothing to do.”
Lucy’s relaxed pace won’t stay that way for long because after her Perth engagements, she heads back to Sydney to start rehearsals for Legally Blonde. That will include spending time bonding with her on-stage Chihuahua, who’ll play the cute Bruiser.
“The music in this production is really clever and they have done a great job. It sounds catchy, contemporary, fun and smart.
“I’ve seen the movie a gazillion times before I ever knew about the musical. It has always been a favourite. It has froth and bubble but there’s also a smart story about a girl who stays true to herself. I’ve always loved that; it can’t be any more feel-good.”
Lucy will swap her bedazzled Wicked clothes for plenty of pink when she steps into Elle Woods. Luckily pink is her favourite colour.
Lucy Durack appears in Opening Doors DownStairs at The Maj from June 20 – 23 and Musicals in Concert with Lucy Durack and Friends at the Concert Hall in two shows on June 10. Legally Blonde opens in Sydney on October 4. Tickets for all shows are now on sale.
Cabaret Soiree: Image by Blueprint Studios
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