Monday, September 7, 2009

Gorgon great news, but don’t hold your breath for a boom

Unless you have been living under a rock, you would have been reading and hearing a lot about the Gorgon project in WA’s north, and probably a few headlines around how it is tipped to push WA back into boom. There’s no doubt the Gorgon project is certainly a positive. It will definitely produce much needed employment and inject some strength back into our economy, but is it going to save the day?

As important as this project is to our economy, it is not the answer to all of our woes. It isn’t going to see us return overnight to the prosperous boom times, where WA in particular, reaped the benefits from the booming minerals sector. It is naïve to think the Gorgon project alone will have the same affect and return us to the same position we were in two years ago, there are so many fundamentals that come to play in a recovery.

The thing about the recent boom is it has given many people in WA unrealistic expectations and this longing for good times gone by. The boom was not real life and if you spend your days wishing it back you’re wasting time and energy in the wrong place. If you understand the situation you can react to it, if you’re living on false hopes you’re not doing anyone any good.

Ever since the economic fallout people have been grasping at facts and figures that may signal that everything will be A-OK, it is human nature. And the Gorgon story is just another example of this.

In saying all of this, it is worth noting how compared to other countries around the world, ours has experienced much less damage from the global financial crisis. WA in particular has been quite sheltered from the fall out experienced in countries like the USA and Japan.

So yes, Gorgon and the recovery of the minerals sector is positive news for us but keep it all in perspective and keep focused on the bigger picture.

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