Friday, August 19, 2011

Realmark Wins at the Australian Business Awards

There is a positive buzz in the Realmark offices after the news that we won two Australian Business Awards (ABA) recently. This is a major achievement for Realmark, placing it in the significant company of other ABA winners including some of Australia largest and most widely respected businesses.

The two awards received were the E-Business award and the Product Excellence award. These are both areas which we have strived to excel in and it is encouraging and very pleasing to know that we are not only on track, but providing leading edge solutions for our clients’ advantage.

As a company, Realmark has invested a great deal in marketing tools for online media to ensure we have a presence in this realm and in a way that is in tune with todays consumers’ needs. This allows us to engage with clients in a meaningful and valuable manner.

In addition to this, the Realmark blog and Facebook page enables consumers to have a direct exchange with us and assist with their property queries; our development of customised micro sites for all property listings plus the individual web presentation provided to sellers and lessors, known internally as Q sites (questions answered) together with our weekly on line client reports, have all proven to be highly appreciated innovations by our clients. This is additional to our website presence.

As more people are looking to seek a fresh alternative to the traditional real estate agencies, Realmark is currently in a great position to connect with todays consumers and by using our choice of strategic selling solutions we can deliver them excellent results. The product excellence award was for one of these solutions, Set Date Sale, which Realmark has customised to suit WA market conditions. It has consistently delivered outstanding success for our sellers by comparison to other sales approaches; notwithstanding the varying market conditions.

These awards motivate all at Realmark to keep embracing new and exciting directions that can advantage our clients. The future will bring a changing face to real estate and I am confident that Realmark is on the right path to continue as a company which delivers outstanding results throughout the changing property cycle.

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